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St. Brigid’s Cross Making Workshops for School Children

St. Brigid’s Cross Making Workshops for School Children with Maura Lennon and Una Casey

The St. Brigid’s Cross is strongly associated with St. Brigid in Irish folk culture. Making the crosses from fresh rushes and other materials such as straw, was a widely practiced tradition throughout many parts of Ireland for centuries. The crosses were hung up in houses and often in stables to honour the saint and gain her protection. The crosses were believed to have great powers of protection against fire, storm and lightning and against illness and infectious diseases. It was also believed that evil spirits could not enter the house where it hung near the door.

As part past Brigid of Faughart Festivals, we have invited our local school children to join us for St. Brigid’s Cross Making Workshops in the County Library in Dundalk, to learn or re-connect to this ancient tradition.

 This event was Hosted by Louth County Library, Dundalk.