Cruinniu Lá Fhéile Bríde 2020

Brigid’s Symbols and Customs Workshop  Presented by The Brigid of Faughart Festival in Conjunction with  Herstory 20/20 and An Táin Arts Centre, Dundalk A celebration of Brigid - Goddess, Celtic Saint and wise woman of the 21st Century  Join Roisin and Maura on Lá Fhéile Bríde as we weave Brigid’s Cross and the Crios Bríd (Belt of Brigid), explore the ancient symbols of Brigid and share stories of Brigid’s Days traditions. Many traditions and customs associated with Lá Fhéile Bríde involve invocations for good health, fertility and protection. The ancient traditions of cross and crios making are still practised in parts of Ireland. The significance of these symbols will be explained and demonstrated in this interactive workshop. All ages…

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