MaryAnne Gosling

MaryAnne Gosling‘s life has been guided through a series of synchronicities which have led her to explore and study many different strands of healing traditions. Her focus in life is raising awareness about Universal Inclusiveness – that the mind, the emotions, and the spirit, are part of healing and transformation – that all healing comes from within – that the body has the capacity to heal itself if given the right conditions. Part of this focus is an Inclusive Holistic approach to Education regarding Lifestyle, Eating Nourishing Foods, the importance of Water, and exercise. Her intuitive knowing says that long before a physical illness occurs, the shift in energy that manifests it takes place, first, in the spiritual,…

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Davie Phillip

Davie Phillip has been active promoting sustainable community in Ireland since 1996.  He was a founding member of FEASTA: the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability and a co-founder of Sustainable Projects Ireland Ltd. For 20 years Davie has designed and facilitated events and training with Cultivate for NGOs, businesses and agencies.  He is trained as an Art of Hosting facilitator and hosts events and facilitates groups working on collaborative approaches to help their localities.. He runs the Community Resilience Programme at Cultivate Living and Learning. In 2009 he conceived and directed a 10 part TV series, The Powerdown Show, which encouraged communities to do more for themselves. He produced a short film on resilient communities called ‘Surfing the Waves of Change,’ it  is available on…

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Read more about the article Claire Oakes and Maria Burke
Hands on a globe --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Claire Oakes and Maria Burke

Claire and Maria are volunteers who have trained to present the “Be the Change” workshop. They have been giving this workshop on a regular basis for the past 7 years to a wide range of groups.Claire is a retired physiotherapist, married with children and grandchildren. Maria is a retired secondary school teacher. Both have been actively engaged with social, environmental and personal issues for decades.They are passionate about this workshop as a powerful way to raise awareness and empower people to be agents of change in their own lives and communities.

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Read more about the article Dr. Sharon Blackie
H18YT3 Dr Sharon Blackie, the writer and psychologist, at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. Edinburgh, Scotland. 16th August 2016

Dr. Sharon Blackie

Dr. Sharon Blackie is an award-winning writer whose work sits at the interface of psychology, mythology and ecology. Her highly acclaimed books (‘If Women Rose Rooted’ and ‘The Enchanted Life’), courses and residential retreats are focused on the development of the mythic imagination, and on the relevance of our native myths, fairy tales and folk traditions to the personal, social and environmental problems we face today.

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