Directions to Lisnawilly House, Mount Avenue, Dundalk

Lisnawilly House, Mount Avenue, Dundalk, Eircode: A91KP6C From the M1 going North Take Exit 17 and go through 2 small roundabouts onto the N53 and travel for 0.5 miles until you see the 50 kms speed sign.  You turn right immediately after this on to Mount Avenue.  Drive straight for approximately 1 mile and you should see an ESB Sub Station on your left and Lisnawilly House is opposite this so turn right here for Lisnawilly House, Mount Avenue (Starting Point for the Pilgrimage) From the M1 going South. Take Exit 17 and turn left at the top of the sliproad onto the N53 and travel for 0.5 miles until you see the 50 kms speed sign.  You turn right immediately…

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Directions to Faughart Shrine A91 Y771

Directions to Faughart Shrine, Faughart, County Louth From Dublin, Drogheda and all points south of Dundalk Take exit 18 from M1 going north take the very first exit onto L71000  follow this road for approx 1 mile and you will see Faughart shrine on the left hand side. Car park there Do not leave handbags or other valuables visible in your car From M1 going south Take exit 18 and go through the small roundabout on to a small roundabout Take the second exit from this on to the large Ballymacscanlon roundabout take the 4th exit from the roundabout cross the bridge exit onto L71000  follow this road for approx 1 mile and you will see Faughart shrine on the left hand side.  Car park there. Do not leave handbags or…

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Faughart-A Weave of Celtic Spirituality through the Landscape by Pat O’Rourke

A clear indication of the approach of Saint Brigid’s Day or Imbolc, is that nature’s time of rest is coming to a close and the landscape is re-awakening. This was noted most beautifully by the local poet Marie Kerley in her poem : What is Spring When crocuses push Coloured heads Through quickening soil. When trees rustle Skeletal branches – When buds burst bark. When Birds weave baskets And trill. When air is flushed green And Brigid’s spirit reigns. Saint Brigid’s Shrine at Faughart. At Saint Brigid’s Shrine we see the cheerful stream weave through the re-awakened mystical landscape just as the reeds weave together to make the traditional St Brigid’s Cross. The stream emerges out of Mother…

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Faughart – A Sacred Landscape by Dolores Whelan

Faughart, near Dundalk Co Louth, is an ancient place filled with a history that is both gentle and fierce. It is a place associated with battles, boundaries and travel. The Sli Midhluachra, one of the 5 ancient roads of Ireland, runs through the Hill of Faughart on its way  from Tara to Armagh and to the north coast of Ireland, making it a strategically important place. However, Faughart is also a place of deep peace, tranquillity, beauty and healing, being associated from ancient times with Brigid,  pre-Christian Goddess and Christian Saint . Brigid occupies a central role within the Celtic Spiritual tradition, holding the energy of the Divine Feminine, a central pillar of that tradition. The mystical woman…

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