Failte! The Brigid of Faughart Festival is delighted to welcome you to our
website, which contains lots of background information about Brigid of Faughart, as Goddess, Celtic Christian Saint and wise woman of the 21st century.
In 2023 Brigid was honoured with an annual national holiday – a huge
step forward within the Irish consciousness around the importance of the
feminine holy deities and a moving of the feminine from the margins
towards the centre.
Since 2008 a dedicated group of women (ever changing and evolving) has kept the flame of Brigid burning in the form of the Brigid of Faughart Festival. In 2024 we saw that flame blaze throughout this land and beyond, celebrating 1500 years since the saint’s death.
Last year our small team faced its own ‘wintering’ in the form of some big challenges (bereavement, care of aging parents and illness) So, this year we have decided ‘to take a breath’, to gather ourselves, to rest and recuperate and to run a small pared down Festival. We celebrate and honour the founders of this festival and all those who have been involved, especially Dolores Whelan who has tended this flame since 2008
Who knows what’s next for the Festival……… If you feel a call to explore how you might contribute your gifts and become part of carrying the Brigid of Faughart Festival into the future please contact us on info@brigidoffaughart.ie
We wish to thank Louth County Council, An Táin Arts Centre, Louth County Library and Dundalk Bids Tourist Office for their ongoing support
For more info please email: info@brigidoffaughart.ie
2024 Festival Video
The first verse of this poem, is now a mural on Bridge Street, Dundalk, painted by @signsbyoner. Commissioned by the Festival with support from BIDS and Alan Mc Ardle

We welcome you to listen to our audio program about
Brigid, Goddess and Saint and her birthplace, Faughart near Dundalk, Co. Louth
To the north of Dundalk, Co Louth, Faughart is an ancient place filled with a history that is both gentle and fierce. It is a place associated with battles, boundaries and travel. The Sli Midhluachra, one of the 5 ancient roads of Ireland, runs through the hill of Faughart on its way from the Hill of Tara, to Armagh and then to the north coast of Ireland, making it a strategically important place.